Mimi Prober
Verve Fashion Shows

Mimi Prober’s approach to design lies more in a philosophy of the holistic world we live in, than a trend. Prober’s philosophy combines antique remnants of fabrics and fabric production with more modern, sustainable pieces that are woven into garments that are unique, suggestive and classic.
Having the opportunity to see fashion items presented together, comprehensively, allows us to understand how both the beauty and philosophy bind together a “form follows function” continuity.
Pieces sewn together using antique fabrics into bold quilted jackets or flowing dresses that are both beautiful in distance and fascinating in detail, Prober’s collection transcend seasons and remind us of the why fashion is more than a temporary retail transaction but has promises of integrity, purpose and awe.
To see a model wearing pieces from the Prober collection (but also from McLaughlin or Bet), is to instantly understand that you are in the presence of something different. These are pieces that make us want to know more: Where is it from? How was it made? What is behind it?
– Phillip Wong –