Mouton Blanc

Verve Fashion Shows

           The Council of Aspiring American Fashion Designers produced a group show of three designers: Mouton Blanc, Port Zienna and Ruth Zabetta.

           Mouton Blanc is the line of Japanese designer Hayako Miya. There are elements of fantasy and strength in this dark layered collection. Miya works with lace, draping , texture and illusion. He creates pieces and combinations that obfuscates the face while allowing the eyes to see. It is reminiscent of Islamic burqas or Japanese ninjas.

            At the same time,the lace, with suggestive layers create an openness that belies either of those two suggestive cultural touchstones.

            While there is much that is fantastical in this collection (full length transparent lace dresses hiding the facial features), there is also a reality of lace layers with grey or black wool, plaids that are layered or mixed in skirts, hoodie jackets at hip length.

           Length and weight of coats, jackets and skirts all vary in fabrication and texture.     

                                                                                                   -Phillip Wong –